Carbon Reduce Certification
This means that we now meet the requirements of Carbon Reduce Certification having measured our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with ISO 14064-1, and have proved we are committed to managing and reducing our emissions in respect of our operational activities in the UK. It includes requirements for the design, development, management, reporting and verification of an organization's GHG inventory.
To realise this ambitious achievement, Marta Rivera, Winemaker and Sustainability Manager for Alliance wine led the business through a detailed process to analyse their scope 1, 2 and 3 inventory report in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 14064-1.
It has been certified that we have a system in place to measure, calculate and analyse our carbon footprint correctly and according to and aligned with international standards. As a part of the ISO standard, we have also committed to reduce our carbon footprint with a decarbonisation plan.
But it does not stop here, our aim is to undertake an annual audit to ensure that we keep our ISO 14064-1 certification and improve our internal data collection systems.
This first report will be used to identify and quantify the main sources of emissions within the business in order to establish a decarbonisation plan to be implemented in this fiscal year. The decarbonisation plan will be based on reduction initiatives, but we will also start to analyse insetting initiatives in the supply chain to neutralise some of the residual emissions which will continue to improve our decarbonisation efforts over time.
There is still a long way to go, and this is very much a whole team effort, but with Marta’s guidance and knowledge of sustainability we are determined to achieve our sustainability ambitions to ensure that future generations are not compromised.
More information on our sustainability strategy